Saturday, January 27, 2007

More Faces of Badness...

Sorry about the cryptic last post. Those, similar to these only different, sorta, are flying devil TV sets spewing lies and deceit into the hearts of humanity, especially we Americanos so dedicated to enriching our lives with drivel, voyeurism, strategically implanted agnst, new and improved longings for what we don't have (and probably shouldn't have) and that cancerous, though undying hope of one day being gorgeous and successful like Ken & Barbie, Versions 90210.

(c) 2007, "The Insatiable Machine." All copyrights, trademarks and intellectual property rights reserved in order to preserve all exploitation potentialities aimed at sucking still more cash from the already overly indebted pockets of the consuming masses. -Oh, my.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Where did that last week go? It was here and then I misplaced it, I guess.

Thanks for your support of and what we're doing over there. I'm cautiously enthusiastic about how things are rolling. Not having ever been pregnant I can't say for sure, but getting this thing online felt a bit like birthing a porcupine with some attendant after-the-fact recovery required. (I know. I know. I have NO frickin' idea about birthing whatsoever, let alone a spikey animal.) In any case, I'm baaack and looking at new designs and new artists to craft them for the Fk shoppe. Here we go! Wee.

Here are a few designs we're looking to print fairly soon. Let me know what you think, if you wanna.

Peace and see you at the store.

-Topher Allen

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Won't U Please Come In!

The day has arrived and is open for biz. Yay!

Jigantasourus thanks to Paul Conrad for his fab design work (and for his steady encouragement), Eric and RonneLand for all their help with the site, Josh Cole for the killer pix, and to all those who gave me the strength to do this. You are beauties, one and all!

I would love to say more about what this means to me and what I see for FreakyKids, but I'm worn out from sorting and folding shirts. More tomorrow. I promise. For now, buy a shirt or ten and thanks for stopping. Do let us know what's on your mind.

Peace within,

-topher allen